Services & Fees

My Real Estate Consulting
services are paid 1 of 2 ways:

Step 1:   Discovery (1 meeting, typically 60 minutes): We begin with a structured yet flexible meeting, during which I ask key questions to uncover what's truly important to you in the real estate process. Whether it is understanding your past experiences with moving and realtors, or discussing your future goals, this session helps us identify your top priorities. You will have ample opportunity to ask questions and explore your options.

Step 2:  Coaching and Consultation (2 hours, over a few meetings ): Following the discovery session, I offer personalized coaching and consultation sessions to help guide you through your decision-making process. Whether you are seeking advice on moving scenarios, refining your real estate goals, or simply exploring your options, I provide expert knowledge and thoughtful guidance.

$ FEE: Includes the discovery meeting and 2-hours of consultation coaching sessions. $950.

Step 3:  Additional Service:   Moving within the next 6-months?  Contact me before you call a Realtor. My goal is to ensure that you are aligned with the best possible Realtor for your unique needs.  Choosing the right Realtor shouldn’t be left to chance or convenience. Choosing a close friend, or someone in your social group isn’t always the best option.  Often, people feel they know TOO MANY Realtors and would prefer to have a neutral 3rd party guide them when making their selection!  With my experience, I will carefully research and connect you with the most suitable professionals (sometimes, that means more than one). Let my expertise serve as your trusted resource.

$ FEE:  I receive compensation, upon closing, through a referral fee paid by the Realtor I refer you to (this means, there are no fees due by you for this service).


Not Real Estate specific.
Life Coaching can help you move forward in life. It can assist you in making decisions, managing your time and emotions, making career choices, and improving your personal life. Life Coaching is perfect for college-age emerging adults!

  • 1st session is 60 minutes to establish coaching plan goals

  • Then, 4 sessions at 60 minutes each.

  • Please note that a payment of $275 is due at the first session, the balance of the program ($675) will be paid when you schedule our second session.

  • Level up in life! Level up in your career! Perfect for EMERGING ADULTS (college-age students)
